Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Fallen Soldier


A gay man feeling that his place was in the military, working his ass off, and ultimately giving his life for his country and his parents struggle with this loss.

I would be the first to say that I am cry-baby. Give me a good drama or even certain episodes of reality tv and I'll be sitting there with tears rolling down my face. For some reason this doesn't generally apply to reading the news.. until this article. This article definitely struck a cord with my struggles of joining my identity as LGBT with my American nationality... The feeling that in the core of me I'm American born and bred and the patriotism that is tightly enwoven in that and my utter disbelief that the US majority feel that it is true and right to treat the LGBT community as second class citizens.

The timeliness of this is coupled with Minnesota's recent decision to put a gay marriage ban to vote in November 2012, the arguments over whether or not to hold up DOMA, and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. I would never make a good political anything because it is not possible for me to begin to understand why anyone would feel that their own values and beliefs should take priority over a person's rights.

Please read this.. It's full of raw emotion and I believe that it really puts in perspective everything really... our country was built on the ideals of freedom and every person is created equal.