Saturday, 30 August 2014

Recently.... On time!

This past weekend Lina celebrated her 31st birthday. It was a weekend of friends, a bbq, lots of table tennis, and a cozy rainy day indoors. Our friends, Huw and Vaida, came to visit from Wales and Kaziemieras came down from London, and of course we got to see our good Brighton friends as well :) 

We had a windy by tasty BBQ on the beach to start of the celebrations with friends, as usual :) 

And played games and had cake back at the house later on. 

The next morning the sun was shining so we went to the beach to play some proper table tennis before Lina had to go to work. Surprisingly, I was the overall champion :) 


When Lina finished work we had a wander around town and went out for dinner.. And there was a street party for a folk and cider festival outside our flat. We got to listen to some good music from both downstairs and from the comfort of our living room :) 


There is never a visit without some sort of games :) Craniam in progress!

The bank holiday Monday was a gray and rainy one. We chatted, ate, and even went for some ice cream with Huw, Vaida, and Kazimieras until they left to head back to Wales and London. We then had some down time to watch TV and relax until the evening. 

Then we got to meet our other London friends, Jen and Jo, at a local bar, The Mesmerist, for a catch up. It was so nice to see them in Brighton and we of course had to take advantage of the photo booth!


This week we went to dinner and drinks to say goodbye to our friend Sarah who is leaving Brighton and moving to Berlin. It sounds like it will be a really great move for her but we will miss her lots! Sarah is a big reason that we know the people we do in Brighton and has spurred many of our adventures. She is a caring soul who brings people together and she'll continue to share this love now in Berlin!

September is shaping up to be a busy month as well as I'm working some extra shifts and we have a wedding in Lithuania! We're both aching for a bit of down time but are also loving getting to catch up with great friends and using every day to the fullest :)

x Becky

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