Monday, 25 March 2013

The Happiness Project

I recently finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben. I started it months ago but put it down at some point for another fictional novel. I was really happy I picked it up again the other day. It was just what I needed at the right time.

Gretchen writes about a year long project that she planned and carried out. She did loads of research and reading and decided to spend each month of the year on different areas of her life such as her home, her parenting, her work, and her hobbies. Her plans were carefully based on happiness research and theories.

What I liked about this book is that it is very down to earth. She tries out different ways to change her ways of thinking and takes different chances she wouldn't ordinarily have taken. She doesn't have back story and her life is one that most of us would love to have but she wasn't as happy as wanted to be. It's a story about a regular woman making practical changes in her life to live more positively.

I also liked that it had tips and exercises and she shared her charts and how to set up your own happiness project. The book is easy to read, accessible, and I felt I got a lot of out of it. 

Gretchen started a blog as part of this project that she still updates regularly at and she also released a further book, Happier at Home, last year. 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Some new starts...

The past few months have been a whirlwind full of changes. It's been a roller coaster of emotions for me but more and more I'm realizing how positive these changes have been on my life.

In the beginning of January I returned early from our Lithuanian trip to go to a job interview with a women's organization in Brighton. I blanked a bit in the interview and wasn't originally offered the job. Luck would have it that one of the people who were offered the role turned it down so a couple of weeks later I got the job. It was pretty difficult to deal with my emotions at the time of failure, of leaving a job I was comfortable with, in taking a risk financially by taking the new job, and generally in stepping out of my comfort zone. I've noticed in the past years that I've unfortunately become more adverse to change. I do wish I was more of the girl today that got on an airplane with two luggage and moved her life to the UK.

All in all, taking that risk and taking the new role has been just what I needed. Immediately after making the decision I knew that my time was up working for Refuge. I hadn't admit to myself that for awhile already I hadn't been challenged and was lacking motivation in my current role. I wasn't able to make any lasting friendships with my colleagues and I had really stagnated where I was. I suppose it's always easier to see the cracks and imperfections in your life from a couple of steps back. These realizations made it much simpler for me to step away from Refuge and have my fresh start.

I have also been offered a job working for a young people's foyer as a Relief Support Worker. It is just what I need at the moment as it is a flexible role which I also think that I can learn a lot from. The organization is very client-focused and the residents are engaged and I hope to start in the next few weeks!

As usual with life when you open yourself up for new things you get more than you bargain for. Working in Brighton has already bettered my wellbeing by having more time. I no longer spend 3 hours a day commuting to and from work and this change has given me more time to spend with Lina, to sleep, and to eat properly. It's also given me plenty of time to think about what I want in my life and what makes me happy. It's given me time to finally join the gym and get more involved in what is going on in Brighton. Now I just have to make sure to make the most of my time and keep the momentum going.

I have loads more to say about life at the moment but I'll leave it at that for now. Despite my fear of change I can acknowledge that it brings opportunities that you were not even aware of and I really hope that I can use it the best I can! 


This past weekend Lina and I took a belated anniversary trip to Venice, Italy. We've wanted to go for a long time and we finally got the opportunity! It is a really beautiful city that takes your breath away time after time. We also visited Murano (island known for glass making) and Burano (island known for lace and colorful houses). It was a trip where we were able to relax and spend quality time together and take loads of beautiful pictures!



Great contemporary art exhibition