I recently finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Ruben. I started it months ago but put it down at some point for another fictional novel. I was really happy I picked it up again the other day. It was just what I needed at the right time.
Gretchen writes about a year long project that she planned and carried out. She did loads of research and reading and decided to spend each month of the year on different areas of her life such as her home, her parenting, her work, and her hobbies. Her plans were carefully based on happiness research and theories.
What I liked about this book is that it is very down to earth. She tries out different ways to change her ways of thinking and takes different chances she wouldn't ordinarily have taken. She doesn't have back story and her life is one that most of us would love to have but she wasn't as happy as wanted to be. It's a story about a regular woman making practical changes in her life to live more positively.
I also liked that it had tips and exercises and she shared her charts and how to set up your own happiness project. The book is easy to read, accessible, and I felt I got a lot of out of it.
Gretchen started a blog as part of this project that she still updates regularly at www.happiness-project.com and she also released a further book, Happier at Home, last year.
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