Sunday 19 June 2011


Tonight we watched 'Made in Dagenham' which I knew was about strikes but I thought was and English Comedy. To me it was more the story of strength and standing up for what you believe is right. Although that may sound corny... Seeing films like this and hearing stories of the activism that happened throughout history and continues to happen today is one thing that really inspires me.

In university I was very involved in different equality organizations and you couldn't shut me up about my feelings on inequality and social justice issues.. When I moved to the UK my priorities changed in that I had to concentrate on finding work and generally just surviving.. and then of course when I found work and my life stabilized a bit I haven't been motivated enough to pick up where I left off. Don't get me wrong... my friends and co-workers know what I feel and I will always call someone out about making a judgement or saying things that I feel are inappropriate. Also working with the homeless and now survivors of domestic violence is incredibly rewarding and I'm lucky enough to get paid to help people... but this isn't activism to me.

I currently work with a very passionate woman who is an activist for worker's rights, women's rights, and the issues in Iraq. In the past months she has spoken to parliament, protested outside the US embassy, and spoken at different conferences. I admire her strength in her beliefs and her love of people but I'm not sure I could ever be an activist in that same capacity.

Every once in awhile I read a book or see a film which puts that spark back inside me.. and I hope that this time I don't let it go out without fighting and moving forward within myself. My first step is to send my CV to the LGBT young person's support role I saw advertised this week.. I would really like to get involved in volunteering and I hope this will work out... otherwise I will keep trying :)

"The will to act is a renewable resource." ~ Al Gore

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