Saturday, 8 November 2014


I ended up getting into Halloween this year! It was good fun and luckily I had very little candy :) 

At work we had a pretty great moment in one of the groups I help to facilitate. We were having a workshop on oral health and had a dentist coming in to speak. As it was the day before Halloween the group all put on vampire fangs and tried to act totally normal. It was a good laugh in a space that is normally very emotional and intense. 

Brighton gets in to halloween with the street artists also making the city more spooky. 

We went to a strange creepy night at the Brighton ballroom. Lina originally wasn't interested in dressing up and I couldn't decide for ages what to be but when it came to the week of Halloween we both got excited to play dress up! 

We celebrated with our friends Bel and Ella and their two mime friends :)

The next day we had a big sleep in but managed to get ourselves out of the city to visit Ditchingly Beacon for some fresh air and a short hike. We always mean to get out of town and into the South Downs more often but it gets hard with just one day off a week together.  

It's getting cold and way too dark lately but It's nice to have some moments of sunshine :) 

I've worked a lot the last two weeks but am looking forward to two gigs this weekend and a work free weekend coming up! 

X becky 

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