Wednesday 6 June 2012

Moving Forward

The past couple of months I've found myself closing down my creativity and journey of self-love and greater happiness. There have been a lot of things going on in my life including many visitors, holidays, and making decisions about where my life is going practically and I feel like my emotions have gotten a bit lost along the way.

At the moment I find myself confused about how has all played out because I have been surrounded by family and good friends and have visited some beautiful places but haven't allowed myself to be really inspired. I have been focusing on the reasons to literally move forward with my life but forgetting to breathe and take time to understand my own feelings and why I am doing what I am.

Now as I'm moving  into an even busier month I feel that I have physically and emotionally slowed down enough to really think about my life, my happiness, and why I really need these changes in my life. Although I'm a bit sad that those weeks have passed and I didn't appreciate and use my time and surroundings in a more positive way I am happy to say that I feel comfortable getting it out there, addressing it, and moving forward more positively.

Now for the future. In the next month I will be changing jobs and moving away from London which has been my home for the past five years. I've made a decision to step out of my comfort zone knowing that this change is what I need right now and as the days go by I become even more confident about this. Change can be such a frightening thing but more and more I'm finding the fear waning and the excitement building. I've gotten stuck where I am and although I know that a change in job or location isn't the answer to all my problems, it is definitely the change of direction and atmosphere is what my life needs now. I'm moving forward in many ways and trying to make each step a positive one.

I'm looking for some good reading about changes and moving forward and haven't found anything that has hit home just yet. If you have anything that might help please let me know!

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